(Note: Active website links to related information are underlined below)
Your candidate has been a dedicated member of this community since 1975, working tirelessly to make it a better place. Over the decades, Candidate Williams has owned storefront businesses and formed strong affiliations within Harlem. He is an honorable disabled Army veteran, coming from a multi-generational family with no fewer than five generations of U.S. military veterans. Additionally, he is a former wrongly incarcerated individual, a certified paralegal who has worked with several firms and institutions, and an alumnus of John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He holds multiple certifications in the technology field.
Candidate Williams has successfully campaigned for significant legislative changes, including:
- NYC’s Tenant Right to Counsel in Housing Court (His political concept adopted by his political opponent who stole office).
- Mandate that landlords be compelled to install Natural Gas detectors in NYC tenants' Households ( he petitioned the courts for years for the government to adopt this measure and more strigent safety measures).
- Ensuring prisoners are counted as residents in the census based on their community of origin, not where they are incarcerated.
- Securing prisoners' access to network communications to address mail obstructions and human rights abuses.
Most recently, Candidate Williams has proposed:
(a) A system and method for "Contactless Police Auto Stops" designed to drastically reduce unarmed shooting incidents, and
(b) A comprehensive and concise "Anti-Unlawful Gentrification" law. (See bottom Note #2 of this section)
Candidate Williams has run for office in the past:
- For the NYC 7th District City Council office:
Once as an independent candidate, where his political opponents resorted to election corruption and weaponized the Judicial branch to defeat his campaign by unlawfully taking him off the ballot, framed and charge him to distract his political campaign, then used court proceedings so that he could not appear in different court to challenge that corrupt ballot removal; and
ANother election year later under the BLM Political Party, where political leaders and election officials:
(i) Denied him the ability to inspect poll stations like other candidates,
(ii) Engaged in ballot stuffing,
(iii) Allowed conflicting political independent party names to stand, confusing and diluting the vote,
(iv) Permitted a favored major party candidate to unlawfully promote his campaign just feet away from polling stations, while threatening Candidate Williams with police arrest simply for requesting to inspect the polling stations in accordance with election laws.
- For a Federal office while unlawfully and inhumanely placed in solitary confinement, where he used his campaign as a platform to highlight issues such as census laws and more.
- Once a Prisoner Grievance Representative, he played a key role in negotiating a collective ceasefire truce. Following this, he was elected to office by various diverse groups. However, his decision to remain true to his constituency—refusing to become a puppet representative (comprador) or sell out their interests—ultimately led to his unlawful and prolonged solitary confinement, a punishment (various official wrongful assualts; 30 day hunger strike; waterboardings; etc.) that was tacitly approved by the judicial branch as a means of silencing him as they deemed him as a "power glitch".
The 7th District (& NYC) are facing unique challenges:
- Affordable housing crisis due to Columbia University’s ill-planned expansion.
- Immigration and deportation issues, including discrimination, corruptions, and securing our borders in an equitable manner).
- Employment shortages and opportunities.
- Mass employment terminations resulting from new anti-DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies.
- Disproportionate incarceration rates.
- Rising taxes on income, property, and living expenses.
- Ineffective political representation that fails to protect voter interests.
- Judicial biases that deny fair access to justice.
- Political division (i) driven by major parties and governmental demagoguery, (iI) Lack of Transparency, and accountibility to control election corruprion and weaponization of the judicial branch against independent candidates, or Major party candidates who express political concepts not wanted by the political established machine leaders.
- Inadequate mental health and substance abuse support.
- Barriers to accessing funds for entrepreneurial endeavors.
- High youth unemployment rates.
- Decreasing availability of senior centers.
- Insufficient social services funding amidst rising needs.
- The potential misuse of military force against civilian populations.
- Direct and reverse discrimination.
- Discriminative Reparations and related issues.
- Selective prosecutions based on race, color, ethnicity, or nationality of victims or defendants.
- A comprehensive Residential, Neighborhood, and City-Wide Municipal Parking Plan.
- Political & Election integrity - Proposing that New Yorker gain greater power & access rights to the ballot through (i) initiatives and referendums; (ii) Democracy Dollars .
- Gender and orientation issues (see bottom note #1 disclaimer):
We support
- Same-sex sports competition rules (e.g., banning biologically born males from female sports, and vice versa (born Males compete with Born males, vice versa Born Physical Females against Born Physical Females); and for the creation of separate sports leagues for Trans sexual individuals to compete in).
- Parents should have the absolute right to be informed and to approve or deny their child’s participation in school curricula regarding & related to homosexuality, with the exception of anti-bullying and anti-abuse campaigns that apply to all races, religions, and sexual orientations. Families and communities are expressing concerns that the denial of this right encroaches & infringes upon:
(a) Parental rights,
(b) Religious freedoms and beliefs, as well as precise prohibitions against particular overreach, promulgations, and promotions by government ; and
(c) Their disapproval of what they view and perceive as inappropriate teachings and training ( some objectors refer to it as "GROOMING") regarding sexual practices that they do not wish to have exposed or subjected to their children in school settings. Families and communities are srtongly & loudly objecting that those said teachings should instead be very immensely censored and banned, not included in the curriculum.
- A Child Adoption Law that mandates for a diverse board of social workers, which includes both binary & non binary individuals who reflect the race and ethnicity of the child to fully evaluate, analyze, and consult regarding the child's best interests, protection, and sexual orientation preferences, before placing the child in either a heterosexual or homosexual household setting. In cases where a child is too young to be evaluated and analyzed thoroughly, a default placement in a heterosexual household will be considered (as outlined in various references, such as: https://www.naswnyc.org/page/Latinx ; https://www.nabsw.org ; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36059766 ; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27620690 ; and directly below).
- Children under the age of majority (the same as the legal drinking or military enlistment age) shall not be allowed to make permanent, irreversible decisions regarding gender changes or hormone treatments, with or without parental consent.
- Strict protections and enforcement for hate crimes committed against the LGBTQ+, community , as well as vice versa protections to control & cease hate violations and the culture of condoning criminality against heterosexuals (e.g., gender bashing, rape by deception, unconsensual rape, sexual intimacy by fraud, sexual intercourse by way of false impersonation (bottom Note # 1).
- All public restrooms and facilities must prevent any & all situations where men with male anatomy are allowed in the Girl’s bathrooms, especially exposing & displaying same male parts in bathrooms used by young girls.
And many more adversities currently facing our district and others.
At this critical juncture, we do not need continued bickering and ego-driven conflict among political parties and their representatives. Instead, we need practical solutions and resolutions. We cannot afford to keep re-electing the same ineffective candidates who have already proven their inability to address the district’s needs. It’s time to elect a candidate committed to real change—a candidate who seeks unity, not divisive politics.
Bottom Note #1 - These proposed measures are not intended to, and should not be misconstrue to stereotype, vilify, or sprew hate upon the entire Trans community.
Bottom Note # 2 - Anti- Unlawful Gentrification law drafted and proposed (between 2024 - 2025 yrs) by Candidate Williams, to both NYS UCS NY County and SDNY Federal courts -
Law Proposal: Chapter 40 - NEW YORK CITY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION sect. 907 -
SECT 907.1 Statutory Purpose & Definitions
For purpose of the following law proposal there are 3 defined forms & types of gentrifications (A) Organic: that happens naturally (B) Government Sanctioned: that occurs after a lawful & fully processed - mandate, order, or other written promulgated legal process by the Government, and (C) illegal/unlawful/hate - The unlawful act of intentionally targeting population groups for displacement due to the actual or perceived race, color, religion, lawful source of income status, disability, veteran status, familia status, or national origin of any person
SECT 907.2 Individual or Conspiracy to
Promote Illegal Gentrification
or Unlawfully Prevent Residency
- Any person acting alone or any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the residency of any person or population due to the actual or perceived race, color, religion, lawful income status, familial Status, disability, Veteran status, or national origin of any person or population by unlawful means and which an individual or conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor (if victim is an individual) or Felony (if victim is a population group), and, if violated by a corporation, it shall in addition forfeit its charter; a violation by conspiracy will be further penalized by a sentence enhancement punishment of one degree higher.
- It shall be unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any person in the exercise or enjoyment of, or on account of his having exercised or enjoyed, or on account of his having aided or encouraged any other person in the exercise or enjoyment of, any right granted or protected by this section; a violation of this subsection carries the same penalty as subsect a;
- An aggrieved person or population may commence either a civil action or class action suit to seek customary relief, punitive, and treble damages, but not limited to said relief, under this subsection whether or not a complaint has been filed;
- The NYC Civil Court shall issue injunctive relief or temporary restraining order, upon application by an aggrieved party claiming violation of this section; the court must rule and decide upon that application within 24 hours but no later than 48 hours of its presentation to the court for ruling;
- If application for TRO or injunctive relief is still pending beyond 48 hours without final disposition on motion, the presiding judge will immediately recuse self (sua sponte) from matter for judicial misconduct proceedings, and the reassigned judge must rule on same application within 12 hours, or too recuse self for judicial misconduct proceedings; after 72 hours pending without disposition, the NYC court must immediately transfer the application to State court for immediate review and disposition;
- A person, population, or entity, may also bring and prosecute either a civil and/or criminal action for a violation of subsection a or b, of this section, on behalf of a person, population, and/or for the Government. The action shall be brought (Qui tam) in the name of the Government. The action may be preliminarily dismissed only if 2 from the following 3, consent, the Court, the Assigned Counsel of matter, and the Human Rights Commission give written consent to the dismissal and their reasons for consenting; the given consent reason for dismissal is appealable and subjected to higher review.
- Evidence of disparate impact and/or treatment will be admissible and heard in all stages within proceedings, civil or criminal, being prosecuted under this section;
- If an indigent pro se litigant bring action pursuant to subsect d, of this section, s/he must first obtain a certificate of meritorious claim signed by a private counsel of his/her choice; cost for first hour of certificate consultation shall be paid via voucher issued by the court from the collection budget described in subsection
GJ; an attorney of the bar must in writing either sign or decline to sign the certificate upon presentation; a denial to endorse a presented certificate of merit by a litigant to counsel is reviewable by NY CPLR Art. 78, or Declaratory Judgment;
- If certificate of merit, is signed by counsel, the counsel whom signature is beared on such certificate will be appointed by court, as the attorney who will prosecute the matter in court; attorney fees will be paid from the collection budget described in subsect
GJ, of this section;
- The budget for certificate consultation, and subsequent attorney fees, will consist of funds deriving from a cooperative collection and/or contribution, from and of the following budgets: NYS BAR LRIS $35 referral payment; NYS EXC § 832; NYS County Law Article 18-B; CPLR 1011; NYC Local law 53; NYC Int 0673-2022; and NYC Int 0214-2014
The above proposed law language drafted from: 18 U.S. Code § 249; 42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq; 31 U.S. Code § 3730; 28 U.S. Code § 1915; NYS Elect L. § 17–152 and § 17–150; N.Y. Exec. Law § 292(36); NYS EXC § 832; NYS County Law Article 18-B; CPLR 1011; NYC Int 0673-2022; NYC Int 0214-2014; New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral website; Article VI, Section 22, of the Constitution of the State of New York; and DOJ